God Idols

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    Indian Sphatik Ganesh Idol 1.075Kg Certified - Abhimantrit

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    Indian Sphatik Ganesh Idol 1.075Kg Certified – Abhimantrit

    • It works well for getting relief from stress and make you calmer. It repels all kind of negative energy from surroundings.
    • You get right direction to follow for making progress.All kind of obstacles in your path to progress are removed.
    • You have peace and become prosperous.Your way to progress in spirituality is cleared.
    38,500.00 32,500.00 inc.GST
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    Lab Certified Indian Sphatik Nandi - 98 Gram & Abhimantrit

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    Lab Certified Indian Sphatik Nandi – 98 Gram & Abhimantrit

    • Blesses with prosperity to the house or office.
    • No shortage of food, money or clothes.
    • Brings peace to the premises.
    2,700.00 2,451.00 inc.GST
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    Lab Certified Indian Sphatik Nandi 100 Gram & Abhimantrit

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    Lab Certified Indian Sphatik Nandi 100 Gram & Abhimantrit

    • Blesses with prosperity to the house or office.
    • No shortage of food, money or clothes.
    • Brings peace to the premises.
    3,500.00 2,500.00 inc.GST
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    Laxmi Ganesh Green Aventurine Stone Idol -291 Gram

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    Laxmi Ganesh Green Aventurine Stone Idol -291 Gram

    • It brings prosperity in one's life.
    • It removes negativity from one's life.
    • This Idol is kept in homes, office.
    7,451.00 6,151.00 inc.GST
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    Laxmi Ganesh Green Aventurine Stone Idol & Certified -266 Gram

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    Laxmi Ganesh Green Aventurine Stone Idol & Certified -266 Gram

    • It brings prosperity in one's life.
    • It removes negativity from one's life.
    • This Idol is kept in homes, office.
    6,900.00 5,351.00 inc.GST
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    Laxmi Ganesh, Natural Green Aventurine Stone Idol 311 Gram

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    Laxmi Ganesh, Natural Green Aventurine Stone Idol 311 Gram

    • It brings prosperity in one's life.
    • It removes negativity from one's life.
    • This Idol is kept in homes, office.
    7,500.00 6,551.00 inc.GST
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    Light Green Aventurine Elephant Figure 221 Gram Abhimantrit & Certified

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    Light Green Aventurine Elephant Figure 221 Gram Abhimantrit & Certified

    • Light Green Aventurine Elephant is believed to enhance creativity, wisdom and power.
    • Green Aventurine balances male-female energy
    5,800.00 4,500.00 inc.GST
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    Light Green Aventurine Ganesh ji  Idol Certified & Abhimantrit 401 Gram

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    Light Green Aventurine Ganesh ji  Idol Certified & Abhimantrit 401 Gram

    • Benefits of Light Green Aventurine Ganesh ji Idol: releases old patterns, habits and disappointments so new growth can take place.
    • It brings optimism and a zest for life, allowing one to move forward with confidence and to embrace change.
    • It enhances one's creativity and motivation, and encourages perseverance in maneuvering life's obstacles.
    11,000.00 8,151.00 inc.GST
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    Natural Green Aventurine Hanuman ji Idol Abhimantrit & Certified 388 Gram

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    Natural Green Aventurine Hanuman ji Idol Abhimantrit & Certified 388 Gram

    • Brings both spiritual and material happiness
    • Generates faith in God and self-confidence
    • It increases physical and mental stamina to meet any challenging situation
    9,500.00 7,500.00 inc.GST
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    Natural Labradorite Hanuman ji Idol Abhimantrit & Certified 195 Gram

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    Natural Labradorite Hanuman ji Idol Abhimantrit & Certified 195 Gram

    • Lord Labradorite Hanuman ji Idol is excellent to keep off negative energies.
    • If you are scared of ghosts or evil forces, keep the Labradorite Hanuman ji Idol over the main door which is visible by all.
    • Presence of the Labradorite Hanuman ji Idol in the house removes the blocks to progress and the house becomes prosperous.
    5,000.00 4,051.00 inc.GST
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    Natural Labradorite Shivling Abhimantrit & Certified 211 Gram

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    Natural Labradorite Shivling Abhimantrit & Certified 211 Gram

    • Labradorite Shivling Used for puja and meditation of Lord shiva.
    • Labradorite Shivling It provides mental peace and balance in life.
    • Labradorite Shivling provides financial stability and money benefits in the business.
    • Labradorite Shivling is supposed to hep with high temper problem and bad luck.
    6,200.00 5,200.00 inc.GST
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    Natural Multicolor Orgone Pyramid Abhimantrit & Certified 221 Gram

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    Natural Multicolor Orgone Pyramid Abhimantrit & Certified 221 Gram

    • Benefits Of Multicolor Orgone Pyramid-:
    • Stress relief / anti anxiety
    • Heighten one’s psychic ability.
    • Extreme money attraction
    • Better Aid in sleep
    • Love or sexual attraction
    • Spiritual protection and to ward off the evil eye.
    1,251.001,451.00 inc.GST
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