(Energized) Blue Sapphire (Neelam Stone) Lab-Certified 5.43 Carat


(Energized) Blue Sapphire (Neelam Stone) Lab-Certified 5.43 Carat

52,599.00 47,551.00 inc.GST

  • Blue sapphire (meaning Neelam in Hindi) is quite popular and known as Neelamani, Indraneel, Indraneelam, Neela Pukhraj etc. in the eastern world.
  • People lend enormous faith in this gemstone for its ability to resolve financial, professional and psychological problems encountered during the tiring phase of Shani-Saadesati.
  • It tranquilizes the mind and relieves people of confusion, anxiety and depression.


Product Origin : Madagascar

NOTE: All images shown are for illustration purpose only. Actual product may vary.

Abhimantrit (Energized) Blue Sapphire (Neelam Stone) Lab-Certified 5.43 Carat

Blue Sapphire (Neelam) is gemstone for Saturn. Saturn is the most effective planet among all planets in solar system, and it is considered most important as per astrology for its fast effect in extreme bad time of saade-saati (Saturn period). The gemstone is best for people of Capricorn zodiac sign (Makar Rashi) and Aquarius (Kumbha Rashi). Apart from that, anyone who wants to reduce the negative effects of saade-saati can wear blue Sapphire (Neelam).

The sapphire’s deep blue, sparkling hue has been cherished since ancient times. Today, the gem is second in popularity only to the diamond. While you’ll find sapphires in a plethora of shades, the most popular and well-known is the navy blue sapphire. But in any hue, because of sapphires’ sturdy structure and versatile color, they’re found in gorgeous, valuable pieces around the world

Blue Sapphire Birthstone

Blue Sapphire is the birthstone for those born in December. It is believed to have a special power to protect those born in this month from negative thoughts and to bring order and structure to life when worn. The blue  sapphire is popularly worn as a birthstone in a pendant, earrings or a right-hand ring. The more transparent and richly blue the sapphire, the higher it is in value.

Blue Sapphire Benefits

Blue sapphire (meaning Neelam in Hindi) is quite popular and known as Neelamani, Indraneel, Indraneelam, Neela Pukhraj etc. in the eastern world. People lend enormous faith in this gemstone for its ability to resolve financial, professional and psychological problems encountered during the tiring phase of Shani-Saadesati.

  • Instant success in business, jobs and independent projects

     – Saturn is known to compensate the person with just rewards. Professionals or businessmen facing stagnancy in their careers, can break the deadlock and turnaround their fortunes in no time by wearing blue sapphire.

  • Surging Fortunes

     – One of the most rewarding benefits of blue sapphire is the instant reversal of sliding fortunes. Neelam rashi ratan strengthens the weakened Saturn, thereby blessing the person with abundant opportunities to create and manage wealth.

  • Extended Fame & Popularity

    – Be it a creative endeavor or a political ambition,Blue Sapphire the wearer by making his talent and hard work recognized by the relevant communities, bringing him fame and fortune.

  • Reoriented Discipline, Patience and Detachment

     – Saturn is known to inculcate discipline in native’s lifestyle and makes him focused, determined and progressive towards work. Benefits of Neelam gemstone are reflected in the rewards gained as a result of evolved work ethics of the wearer.

  • Stronger Mind, Bones and Senses

     – Neelam benefits the wearer by healing his joint pain, gout and arthritis and keeping sensory organs in good shape. It tranquilizes the mind and relieves people of confusion, anxiety and depression.



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Additional information

Weight 0.0012 kg

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